Little Darlings
NEW Li'l Dreamers
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One of a Kind - Little Darling #3 - Winnie
OOAK - Li'l Dreamer #2 - Sherri
OOAK - Li'l Dreamer #1 - Mattie
One of a Kind - Little Darling #1 - Layci
One of a Kind - Little Darling NEW #5 - Juniper
One of a Kind - Little Darling #2 - Irina
Princeton Filbert 3050FB - 2
Princeton Filbert 3050FB - 10/0
Princeton Round 3050R - 12/0
Princeton Monogram 3050M - 20/0
Princeton Line 3050L - 20/0
Princeton Shader 3050FS - 10/0
Princeton Spotter 3050SP - 20/0
Princeton Liner 3750L - 10/0
Princeton Filbert Petite 3750MFB - 0
Princeton Oval Mop 3750OM - 1/2"
Scharff Eyeliner 455 - 10/0
Scharff Round 405 - 1
Scharff Deerfoot 750 - 8
Scharff Blusher 680 - 2